FIGURE 2. Global gene expression and multidimensional scaling analysis of NK-cell products.
(A) The 9,634 genes remaining after filtering were analyzed by unsupervised hierarchical clustering. Significant differences were found between the freshly isolated NK cells and the expanded NK-cell products. The sample label NK-7-0 indicates freshly isolated NK cells from patient 7 and eNK-8-1 indicates the first expanded NK-cell product from patient 8. (B) Supervised hierarchical clustering analysis of the expression of 1,997 differentially expressed genes showed obvious discrimination between the freshly isolated NK cells and the expanded NK-cell products. (C) Unsupervised multidimensional scaling analysis using centered correlation of the 9,634 genes. Each spot represents one NK-cell sample. The expanded NK-cell products were distinguished from the isolated NK cells. (D) Supervised multidimensional scaling analysis using centered correlation of the 1,997 differentially expressed genes separated the samples into the expanded and the freshly isolated NK cells. Among the expanded NK cell products, all 3 products from patient 3 were found in one cluster, but the 3 expanded NK cell products from patient 2 and the 2 from patient 5 did not cluster together.