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. 2010 Dec;5(4):234–251.

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Closed-kinetic chain hip internal and external rotation using elastic resistance. Elastic resistance is secured lateral to the pelvis at the level of the hip/pelvis, and is wrapped around the pelvis in order to exert a pull opposite the desired rotation. The athlete assumes single limb stance on the leg to be trained. The contralateral limb is flexed at the hip and knee. The athlete contracts the external rotators of the hip, thereby moving the pelvis on the femur, in this case into a relatively externally rotated position. (Figure 6A) Eccentric control by the hip external rotators is required to return to neutral position and beyond into an internally rotated position. (Figure 6B) Close attention must be paid to the position of the pelvis, to not allow alterations in the frontal (Trendelenburg) or sagittal plane (anterior or posterior tilt).