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. 2011 Jun 15;14(12):2491–2507. doi: 10.1089/ars.2010.3466

Table 2.

Summary of Human Monofunctional DNA Glycosylases for Repair of Oxidatively Damaged DNA

Gene symbol Gene name Gene ID Uniprot accession number Organelle expressed Known substratea
UNG Uracil DNA glycosylase 7374 P13051 Nucleus (UNG2) and mitochondria (UNG1) ssU; U:G; U:A; 5-fluorouracil (4)
5,6-Dihydroxy-U:G (9) and 5-OH-U:G (9, 22)
Isodialuric acid and Alloxan (22)
SMUG1 Single-strand–selective monofunctional uracil-DNA glycosylase 1 23583 Q53HV7 Nucleus ssU; U:G; U:A (4)
5-Fluorouracil:G and 5-chlorouracil:G (18)
5-Carboxyuracil:G (18)
5-(Hydroxymethyl)-U (9, 91)
5-Formyl-U and 5-hydroxyuracil (9)
TDG Thymine DNA glycosylase 6996 Q13569 Nucleus U:G; T:G and ethenoC:G (4)
5-Fluorouracil and 5-fluorouracil (ss) (38)
5-Hydroxymethyluracil (38)
hypoxanthine:G, 5-bromouracil and ɛC:A (38)
Tg:G (96) and 5-formyl-U (9)
MBD4 Methyl-CpG binding domain protein 4 8930 O95243 Nucleus U or T in U/TpG; 5-meCpG (4)
5-Formyluracil (9)
5-(Hydroxymethyl)-U (9)
Tg:G (96)
MPG (AAG) N-methyl DNA glycosylase 4350 P29372 Cytoplasm and nucleus 3-meA; 7-meA; 3-meG; 7-meG; hypoxanthine and ethenoA; ethenoG (4)
1,N2-ɛG:C; U:G and ethanoadenine and 1-methylguanine (53)
Etheno-A(ss); hypoxanthine(ss) and ssU (53)
8-OxoG:C (Mouse) (7)
Cyanuric acid:CT>GA (9)
MUTYH (MYH) mutY homologue (E. coli) 4595 Q9UIF7 Nucleus and mitochondria A:G; A:8-oxoG and C:A; 2-OH-A (4)
8-OxoA:G (72)

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