Figure 3. Ploidy affects the pattern and growth of tumors that develop in NPcis mice.
A, The frequencies of lymphoma and of brain tumors were not significantly different in trisomic mice compared to euploid. A significantly larger fraction of adrenal tumors (P= 0.0014, Fisher’s exact test) and fewer sarcomas (P= 0.0001, Fisher’s exact test) were observed in trisomic, NP65 mice than in their euploid counterparts. B, Euploid mice without sarcoma (open diamond, n=24) lived longer than mice with sarcoma (filled diamond, n=78, *P = 0.026 by Log-rank test). C, Trisomic mice without sarcoma (n=16) lived longer than those with sarcoma (n=10, *P = 0.042 by Kruskal-Wallis test). D, Median survival times were the same in trisomic and euploid mice with sarcoma (P=0.168). E) Trisomic mice with non-sarcoma tumors lived longer than euploid mice with non-sarcoma tumors (*P=0.0017).