EPR spectra at 9.653 GHz of the as-isolated (A), ascorbate-reduced (B) and dithionite-reduced (C) Ps. nautica cNOR (265 μM in 100 mM KPB, pH 7, 0.02% DDM, 0.01% PE). Experimental conditions of spectra A to C: temperature = 12 K, microwave power = 0.2 mW, modulation frequency = 100 kHz, modulation amplitude = 0.5 mT, receiver gain = 1×105, conversion time = 163.84 ms and time constant = 81.92 ms; and of spectra D to E: microwave power = 6.3 mW, modulation frequency = 100 kHz, modulation amplitude = 0.4 mT, receiver gain = 2×105, conversion time = 81.92 ms and time constant = 40.96 ms. Spectrum D was collected at 5.5 K, E at 7.0 K, F at 12 K and spectrum at 22.5 K.