Figure 3.
Streptococcal hemoprotein receptor (Shr) intranasal vaccination and protective immune response. Mice were immunized with 2 × 109 CFU of Lacococcus lactis (MG1363) or L. lactis expressing Shr (MG1363/pXL14). Endpoint antibody response (on days 50 and 52, respectively) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay preformed in quadruplicate. A, Shr-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) A level in undiluted lung lavage specimens from mice treated with MG1363 (n = 2) or MG1363/pXL14 (n = 13). Each datum point represents the mean response in individual animals. The statistical significance (P = .01) was determined by the Student t test. B, Shr-specific IgG titer in serum for individual mice treated with MG1363 (n = 15) or MG1363/pXL14 (n = 15). The statistical significance (P < .0001) was determined by the Student t test. C, Kaplan-Meier survival curves of vaccinated mice after systemic group A Streptococcus challenge. Mice immunized with MG1363 (n = 8) or MG1363/pXL14 (n = 8) were intraperitoneally received 1 × 108 CFU. The statistical significance (P =.014) was determined by the log-rank test. The data shown are pooled data from 2 independent experiments.