Avg Length | Avg Concreteness | Avg. PG probability | Avg Frequency | |
Trained | 5.7 (1.34) | 496.85 (112.3) | .69 (.18) | 43.15 (60.7) |
Repeated | 5.7 (1.34) | 509 (104.0) | .73 (.14) | 42.9 (60.6) |
Homework | 5.7 (1.34) | 491.1 (121.3) | .71 (.17) | 44.85 (68.7) |
Control | 5.7 (1.34) | 510.1 (107.4) | .70 (.13) | 41.5 (53.9) |
Avg. PG probability corresponds to average phoneme–grapheme probability computed as an average of every PG mapping in each list based on the values in Hanna et al. (1996).