Figure 7. Increased astrocytic precursor marker expression from the VZ to the parenchyma on embryos injured at E15.
Detection of NFIA (D, E, F), GLAST (G, H, I) and SOX9 (J, K, L) mRNAs by in situ hybridization in serially adjoining cross-sections of the tectal laminae three days after stab injuries performed at E15. Pattern of GFAP expression is shown for comparison (A–C). Increased expression levels of astrocyte precursor markers in the Ip (ipsilateral) tecta with respect to the Co (contralateral) side suggests activation of astrocyte differentiation in the VZ (B, E, H & K) (arrows) and in the parenchyma (vertical line) as well as surrounding the necrotic and cystic areas (C, F, I, L). Scale bar: 100μm. Results depicted in this figure were consistently observed in multiple independent embryos (3 embryos).