Figure 5.
NMR spectra of Erk. (A) Superimposed 1H/15N HSQC spectra of Erk-pTpY (black) and Erk-TY (red). Blue circles and arrows mark the C-terminal Y resonance used for normalisation (Supplementary Figure 8) and the additional A and T resonances used for quantifying pTpY (Supplementary Methods 1.1). The small box in the centre shows a major and a minor peak that are present in Erk-pTpY but not in Erk-TY, in the region above 8.8 δ 1H, where pS and pT are found. The box is enlarged in inset 2. Inset 1 shows a section of the 3D HNCACB spectrum, with the peaks corresponding to the Cα and Cβ of the major peak in Erk-pTpY (vertical black dashed line). This identifies the major peak as coming from pT. Inset 3 shows the region corresponding to inset 2 from the 1H/15N HSQC spectrum of Erk-pTY. Supplementary Figure 6 explains why the major peak of Erk-pTY and the minor peak of Erk-pTpY, linked by the vertical blue dashed line, represent pT(EY), while the major peak in the Erk-pTpY sample represents pT(EpY). Additional peaks below the small box do not titrate with pH and therefore do not correspond to phosphorylated residues. The horizontal scales on all three insets are the same (δ 1H in p.p.m.), but the vertical scale on inset 1 is δ 13C in p.p.m., while on insets 2 and 3 it is δ 15N in p.p.m. (B) Superimposition of three 1H/15N HSQC spectra, colour coded as described in the legend. Note that the horizontal and vertical ranges are different from the insets in part a. The minor peak in the Erk-pTpY spectrum falls on the same pH titration line as the major peaks in the Erk-pTY spectra, supporting the assignment in A. The resonances in the two pH titration lines at the top (arrows) show that there are at least two more pS or pT residues in addition to that on the canonical TEY motif, as discussed in the text. These additional peaks could not be assigned by NMR as their 3D HNCACB intensities were too low.