(A) Nucleotide (EMBL accession number AJ132008)
and predicted aa sequences of the phocein cDNA. Nucleotides are
positively numbered from the first base of the putative initiation
codon, in the 5′ to 3′ direction. The aa sequence, in single-letter
code, is shown below the nucleotide sequence. The putative SH3-binding
domain is underlined. The clathrin adaptor complexes small chain
signature of the ς subunit of adaptor complexes is boxed. (B)
Alignment of phocein (lane 1) with various ς subunits of adaptor
complexes, according to ProDom alignment PD003841. The aa in black
boxes are identical in phocein and the ς subunits; the aa in gray
boxes are homologous. Numbers 1–13 refer to the following proteins,
identified by their accession numbers: 1, phocein, AJ132008 (rat);
2–13: ς subunits; 2, P53680 (human); 3, Q92572 (human); 4, Q00382
(mouse); 5, Q09905 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe); 6,
P47064 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae); 7, Q00381 (S.
cerevisiae); 8, P35181 (S. cerevisiae); 9,
O96254 (Plasmodium falciparum); 10, Q19123 (C.
elegans); 11, O82201 (Arabidopsis thaliana); 12,
O23685 (A. thaliana); 13, O50016 (maize).