Figure 6. MnSOD mutants do not suffer from elevated oxidative damage.
Comparison of ROS related parameters between MnSOD double mutant strain GA480 and WT N2 C. elegans. (A) Averaged fluorescence signal from whole worm DCF-DA generalised ROS assay (n = 7 repeats) of day 4 WT and GA480 animals. Despite lacking both forms of mitochondrial SOD, GA480 animals produce less ROS associated fluorescence signal than WT animals. (B) Analysis of the data from (A); GA480 produce statistically significantly less ROS as measured by our DCF-DA assay (P = 0.024, Student's t-test). (C) Oxidative mtDNA lesions in mtDNA samples (n = 4, each) of day 4 GA480 and WT worms. GA480 does not suffer from significantly elevated oxidative damage as judged by our qRT-PCR assay for oxidative mtDNA damage (P = 0.43, Student's t-test). (D) Oxygen consumption in GA480 vs. WT animals on day 4 of life. The median oxygen consumption was not significantly different between GA480 and WT (P = 0.31, Mann-Whitney test).