Figure 6. (A) NrdEF is functional when iron is limited and manganese is available.
Cells in anaerobic MOPS glucose/amino acids medium were diluted into aerobic medium at time zero, and viability was monitored. “Import-minus” strains contain ΔtonB ΔfeoABC ΔzupT null alleles and therefore have reduced iron import. Strains used were JEM609 (Import−), JEM1144 (Import− ΔmntH), JEM720 (Import− ΔnrdAB), JEM1137 (Import− ΔnrdAB ΔmntH), JEM722 (Import− ΔnrdAB ΔnrdHIEF), and JEM756 (ΔnrdAB). (B) Delayed expression of mntH during iron limitation coincides with delayed NrdEF function. Iron-limited ΔnrdAB strains bearing PnrdE-lacZ (JEM738) or PmntH-lacZ (JEM757) transcription fusions were grown in anaerobic MOPS glucose/amino acids medium and aerated at time zero. Data are normalized to the anaerobic expression level and is representative of at least two independent experiments.