Expression of the PF6 transcript.
(A) Northern blot loaded with total RNA isolated from wild-type,
pf6 mutants, and a rescued pf6 strain
before (0) and forty-five (45) min after deflagellation. This blot was
probed with an RT-PCR product from within probe C (Figure 3) and is
representative of blots hybridized with probes B, C, and D. The ∼7-kb
PF6 transcript is indicated (arrow). The slight upward
shift in transcript migration in the pf6-2 rescue lanes
appears to result from differences in the loading of these lanes
relative to the others. (B) The same Northern blot shown above was
rehybridized with a probe for the CRY1 gene, which
encodes the ribosomal S14 protein subunit (Nelson et al., 1994), as a
control for loading of the RNA samples.