Software type |
Command-line script |
Website application |
Website application |
Information sources |
Any type of text loaded by the user (e.g. PubMed, OMIM, Wikipedia) |
PubMed, SGD, OMIM, The Interactive Fly. |
PubMed |
Text limit |
Any type of tagged text |
Only abstracts |
Only abstracts |
Protein name tagging |
Depends of external software (NLPROT), confers against loaded dictionary |
YES, filtered by selected organism |
YES, filtered by selected organism |
List of used synonyms |
Flexible user-based dictionary input |
Variety of pre-compiled dictionaries |
Entrez Gene, FlyBase, UniProt and HUGO Nomenclature Committee |
Explores biological concepts |
YES, finds user loaded concepts linked to a co-occurring pair at sentence level. |
YES, searches species names, MeSH and compound terms |
Extracts co-occurrences among proteins |
YES, considering whole text and isolated sentences |
YES, limited to the whole abstract |
YES, at sentence level only |
Extracts interactions among proteins |
YES, considering a biointeractions dictionary defined by the user |
YES, considering a pre-compiled biointeractions dictionary |
Terms co-occurrences |
YES, extracts terms mentioned in the full text or in isolated sentences at different structures which are scored differently |
YES, extract terms mentioned together in abstracts, more often than what would be expected by chance based on their overall occurrence |
YES, extracts terms mentioned in isolated sentences |
Semantic understanding |
YES, extracts the biointeractions and concepts linked to an extracted pair at sentence level in different co-occurrence types |
NOT, only checks co-occurrences of terms |
YES, extracts the biointeractions and concepts linked to an extracted pair at sentence level |
Co-occurrence frequency report |
YES, displays the frequency that a pair co-occurred in general sentences, and for each found biointeraction |
YES, only the number of times that a pair co-occurred in each abstract |
Outputs network |
YES, in tabular format and in pre-compiled formats for third-part applications (ARENA3D, MEDUSA) |
YES, displays the network in the browser from selected abstracts |
YES, users can build a network by adding a set of nodes per time by selecting desired abstracts |