Figure 4. (A) Myocardial LGE early (12-48hrs) vs. late (6 months) and (B) wall motion improvement abnormalities.
A. The myocardial volume (mean % ± SD) positive for LGE, decreased significantly from 12 - 48 hrs to 6 months. The change in extent of LGE is also shown for each patient. Patients with unchanged LGE at 6 months are shown in red while those with decreased LGE in black. Eleven patients out of 24 (46%) who underwent CMR at 6 months time, showed a reduction in LGE volume (of 38 ± 14%). In the remaining 13 patients, no reduction in size of the LGE volume was identified (23% ± 14% vs. 23% ± 14% respectively). B. Segments with improved function at six months (n = 68) broken down by extent of LGE within that segment LGE (none; 1-75% = partial thickness and 76-100% = full thickness) at both 24H and 6M. Across categories, the extent of LGE, measured at 12 - 48 hours (dark bars) was a poor predictor of functional recovery. Significantly, even segments showing full thickness LGE were associated with functional recovery. By contrast, LGE extent at 6 months (light bars) was strongly inversely correlated with improved function in that segment.