Figure 1. Scoring for [PSI +] induction in deletion strains.
All deletion library candidates in the BY4741 background were cured on GuHCl and cytoduced using kar1 donor strains containing the Sup35PD-GFP and ura3–14 plasmids and either high [PIN +] (right) or [pin −] (left). Expression of Sup35PD-GFP was induced on plasmid selective media containing 50 µM copper for two days and then spotted either onto -Ura to score for [PSI +] induction or +Ura to assay growth. All cytoductions were performed in duplicate and cytoductants were tested for the ability to induce [PSI +] multiple times. Control strains (top row) show growth on -Ura in [PIN+], but not [pin −], strains after 8 days. Both rnq1Δ (second row) and bem1Δ (third row) strains show no growth on -Ura after 11 days, indicative of no [PSI +] induction. Deletion strains showing very low induction, e.g. arf1Δ, exhibit very few colonies after 11 days of growth on -Ura (fourth row), whereas strains showing low induction (e.g. bug1Δ, last row) show slow growth on -Ura after eight days.