Fig. 2.
Temporal and spatial characteristics of the Ca2+ transient induced by CCh in EC of intact rat tail artery. (A) Stack of pseudo-colour images showing propagating Ca2+ wave initiated at two ends of the EC seen as an initial spike component. (B) Graph showing time dependent changes of Fluo-4 fluorescence induced by CCh in three parts of EC where region 1 and 3 are initiation sites. (C) Superimposed traces of initial Ca spike seen as propagating Ca wave initiated in region 1 (top panel) and region 3 (bottom panel) propagating to region 2 (centre of the cell). Arrows in A and C show direction of the wave propagation. (D) Patterns of the typical Ca2+ transients induced by 1 μM CCh in intact EC recorded by placing a region of interest in central part of the cell (Video 2). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)