Effects of human NSC transplantation on disease onset (A), life span/survival (B–C) and muscle weakness (D–E) in G93A SOD1 rats.
A. Disease onset was 10 days later in the live-cell group (129.5 ± 3.234 days, n=11) compared to the dead-cell group (119.2 ± 3.709 days, N=11) (P=0.0481).
B. End-point analysis shows that the live-cell group has significantly longer life span compared to dead-cell group (158.9 ± 6.256 days and 141.3 ± 5.494 days, respectively, n=11) (P=0.0469).
C. This Kaplan-Meier plot shows a significant separation between live (L) and dead cell group (D) survival throughout the course of the study (p=0.0402), suggesting animals with live NSCs have better survival.
D–E. BBB (D) and inclined plane (E) scores show a significant separation in these two measures of muscle weakness between live-cell (L) and dead-cell (D) groups (p=0.0183 and 0.045, respectively), suggesting muscle weakness progress is significantly slowed down in animals with live NSCs compared with control animals.
Bar= Mean ±SEM, * P<0.05.