FIG. 5.
Noise exposure upregulated GADD45β in the cochlea of 129 mice. Immunofluorescence using a goat anti-GADD45β followed by anti-goat Alexa Fluor 647-labeled rabbit secondary antibody is shown with the phase-contrast light micrographs of the tissue to the right. Upregulation of the protein by noise exposure was noticeable in cochleae from noise-exposed 129 mice (panels B, D and F) when compared to their sham-exposed control mice (A, C, and E), which show little to no reactivity for GADD45β. Upregulation of GADD45β post-noise exposure was detected in the stria vascularis (arrows, panel B) and in the hair cell region of the organ of Corti (arrowheads, panel D). Moreover, the increased expression of GADD45β in the 8th nerve fibers in the osseous spiral lamina (asterisk, panel F) and in the interdental cells of the spiral limbus (arrow, panel F) was quite evident. No immunofluorescence was detected in experiments when the primary antibody was omitted (data not shown). The scale bar (panel F) applies to all panels.