Figure 4.
MR activations for grasping observation in the STS. A, C, Percentage MR signal change (baseline: fixation-only condition) during the observation of person grasping objects video clips and their scrambled and static controls (see inset) in 10 STS ROIs: MT/V5, FST, LST, LB1, LB2 in the lower bank, MTp in the fundus, and MSTd, STPm, UB1, and UB2 in the upper bank. Shown are group data from three monkeys (M3, M5, M6) scanned at 1.5T (A) and data from single subject (M15) scanned at 3T (C). B, D, Percentage MR signal change (baseline: fixation-only condition) for observation of isolated hand-grasping actions and scrambled and static controls (see insets) in the same ROIs. Group data from three monkeys (M3, M5, M6) scanned at 1.5 T (B) and data from single subject (M15) scanned at 3 T (D). The asterisks indicate a significantly stronger (p < 0.05, corrected) response to action observation compared with all controls (in group and minimum of 2 of the 3 single subjects). Error bars indicate variability over runs.