A) ChIP-Seq data at the Pou5f gene for transcription factors, mediator and cohesin, and the transcription apparatus (Pol2 and TBP). Note evidence for crosslinking of most components to both enhancer elements and core promoter. The numbers on the Y-axis are reads/million. ChIP-Seq data was obtained from GSE11431, GSE11724, GSE12680 and GSE22557.
B) Model for DNA looping by mediator and cohesin. Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog bind mediator, which binds RNA polymerase II at the core promoter, thus forming a loop between the enhancer and the core promoter. The transcription activator-bound form of mediator binds the cohesin loading factor Nipbl, which provides a means to load cohesin. Both mediator and cohesin are necessary for normal gene activity. This model contains a single DNA loop, but multiple enhancer may be bound simultaneously, generating multiple loops.