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. 2011 May 10;5:255–274. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S10498

Table 1.

Pre-MS and MS subtypes as potential targets for oral therapies

RRMS subtype Definition Risk of second episode/ARR over 2 years
RIS13 Inflammatory lesions on MRI in the absence of clinical symptoms indicative of a related neurological episode RIS could underlie the subsequent development of RRMS or PPMS 31% (52/166)169
CIS12 A single inflammatory neurological event. Subdivided based on number of MRI lesions present initially MRI: <three lesions on MRI there is a <10% risk of MS at 15 years. If ≥three lesions the risk of MS is 50% at 15 years <3 MRI lesions: 10%
≥3 MRI lesions: 45%170
“McDonald Criteria” MS8 Single neurological episode with MRI evidence of dissemination in time and space 41%171
Clinically definite MS Two relapses disseminated in time and space.
Group 1: CDMS from 1996, Group 2: CDMS from 2008
Group 1: 1.2 relapses/year
Group 2: 0.5 relapses/year21
RES RRMS14 Two clinically significant relapses in one year and one or more gadolinium-enhancing lesions on brain MRI or a significant increase in T2 lesion load 1.46 relapses/2 year172

Note: Risk of second episode and ARR are based on trial placebo data.

Abbreviations: ARR, annualized relapse rate; CIS, clinically isolated syndrome; RES, rapidly evolving severe; RIS, radiologically isolated syndrome; RRMS, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.