Clinical Manifestations in Eight Probands
Family | KW200128a | NSDF916 | NSDF1272 | NSDF2032 | NSDF1865 | 81 | KW010862 | NSDF1793 |
Proband ID | KW200128-VI:5 | 916-IV:10 | 1272-IV:2 | 2032-IV:4 | 1865-II:4 | Fam81-III:1 | KW01862-IV:1 | 1793-III:1 |
Inheritance | ADOA + HI | ADOA + HI | ADOA + HI | ADOA + HI | ADOA + HI | Possibly sporadic | ADOA + HI | ADOA + HI |
Age | Deceased age 63 | 32 | 38 | 54 | 46 | 55 | 14 | 49 |
Nationality | Swedish | US/Caucasian | US/Caucasian | US/Caucasian | US/Caucasian | US/Caucasian | UK | US |
Phenotype | OA + HI | OA + HI | OA + HI | OA + HI | OA + HI | OA + HI | OA + HI | OA + HI |
WFS1 Mutation | p.A684V | p.A684V | p.A684V | p.A684V | p.A684V | p.A684V | p.G780S | p.D797Y |
Optic atrophy | ||||||||
Age of onset (years) | 9 | - Diagnosed at age 26) |
- Diagnosed at age 30) |
16 | 11 (Diagnosed at age 16) | - Diagnosed at age 41) |
12 | 20 |
Visual acuity | 20/40 (R) 20/40 (L) |
20/40(R) 20/32 (L) |
- | - | 20/30 (R) 20/30 (L) |
20/60 (R) 20/60 (L) |
20/25 (R) 23/25 (L) |
20/80 (R) 20/70 (L) |
Colour vision | - | Abnormal colour vision test (Ishihara plates) | - | - | Normal | - | Reduced | Not reported night and colour vision problems |
Optic discs / optic nerves | Pale | Pale optic discs and cupped to 0.8 | - | - | Extreme pallor of optic discs with hypoplasia of the vessels and cupped to 0.7 | Extreme pallor of optic nerves | Bilateral pallor of optic nerves | Some pallor of the discs and narrowing of the vessels. Pale optic nerves bilaterally |
Hearing impairment | ||||||||
Age of onset (years) | Early childhood | Congenital | Early childhood | Congenital | 1.5y | 3y | Congenital | 3–4y |
Severity | Severe, progressive | Severe to profound | Profound, progressive | ? | Severe to profound | Profound | Profound | Severe to profound, progressive |
Diabetes | - | No | - | - | No | No | No | No |
Psychiatric abnormalities | Depression, hallucinationsb | - | - | - | Depression | - | No | No |
Other disorders / symptoms | - | - | - | - | Developed diabetes insipidus at age 20 following hypophysectomy for suspected pituitary tumor | - | No | No |
Additional Information | Myopia in one family member | Humphrey visual fields with small enlargement of blind spot bilaterally. Retinal vessels, macula and retina periphery otherwise normal | Daughter with OA, normal hearing and bipolar illness does not have the mutation | GJB2 c.35delG homozygote | As part of evaluation for OA she had a CT scan. Mother is deaf from congenital rubella syndrome. Eye pressure 10 and 12 mm. Father is deaf, have OA and reported to have problems with colour vision | Has a son and a daughter with Wolfram syndrome and two WFS1 mutations: p.V415del and p.A684V c | Normal p-glucose and urine osmolality. Maternal great aunt with psychosis | OA was confirmed by CT/MRI scan. Except from deafness and OA physical examination normal. Eye pressure 10 and 12 mm. Normal macula and no evidence for retinal dystrophy. Also no diabetes in the mother of the proband who is deaf and has OA |
ADOA = autosomal dominant optic atrophy; HI = Hearing impairment; (−) No information; y = years;
the symptoms of the affected individuals have previously been described in Swedish (Samuelson, 1940);
some affected family members have anxiety and one affected family member (VII:5) committed suicide;
The p.V415del mutation in the children is inherited from their mother (the mutations are listed in the Kresge/WFS1 database);
mm = millimetres of mercury