Exposure to maternal high fat diet results in increased body length in F3 female, but not male, offspring only through the paternal lineage. A and C, Longitudinal body length for F3 (A) male and (C) female offspring. F3 male offspring of dams exposed to high fat diet [3HF(M), offspring produced from maternal transmission; 3HF(P), offspring produced from paternal transmission] do not exhibit an increased body length phenotype relative to control offspring (Chow, 12% fat, white bars, all points, P > 0.05). 3HF(P) female offspring exhibit increased body length at 4 (P = 0.037), 12 (P = 0.032), and 20 wk (P = 0.027) time points when compared with Chow. B and D, Time point (20 wk) for F3 (B) male and (D) female offspring. Body length differences in 3HF(P) females relative to Chow at 20 wk. (*, P < 0.05). Data are mean ± sem.