Figure 5.
Comparison of receptor expression and intracellular signaling in WT and kindlin-2+/− aortic endothelial cells. (A) Kindlin-2 expression is reduced by ∼ 50% in kindlin-2+/− compared with WT ECs. Representative Western blots of EC lysates probed with anti-kindlin-2 and anti-actin (loading control) Abs are shown. Each band represents kindlin-2 or actin expression in ECs isolated from single individual mouse. ECs from 5 WT and 7 kindlin-2+/− mice were analyzed in 1 experiment. (B) VEGF, PMA, and PLGF induce phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p90RSK in WT, but not in kindlin-2+/− ECs. The cells were incubated with increasing concentrations of soluble activators for 10 minutes at 37°C and lysed as described in “WT and kindlin-2+/− aortic ECs.” Western blots were probed with Abs to phospho-ERK1/2, phospho-p90RSK, or total ERK1/2 (loading control). The images are representative of 2 independent experiments.