Correlation between the order parameter μ from Eq. 9 and modes of the exact solution of the PE equation for nonspherical geometries shown in Fig. 2. The values of μij and Ψ are computed for a set of locations of the source qi and test charges qj inside the low dielectric solute space. Locations of qi are (x = 0, z = z0) for the plates geometry or (θ = 0, z = z0) for the concentric spheres, where z0 uniformly spans the interval a/10 < z0 < 0.9a. Locations of qj span the same set of points along the z axis, and vary from x = 0.1a to x = 5a for the plates (from θ = 0 to θ = π for the concentric spheres) in the longitudinal direction. Here a is the structure size, see Fig. 2. All quantities are computed (numerically) exactly.