Figure 9.
Live cell imaging of an Atg9 reservoir becoming the PAS. Atg9-mChe GFP-Atg8 (MMY120) cells were grown to log phase and transferred to SD-N medium for 20 min before being imaged as described in Materials and methods. Sequential images acquired with a time lapse of 5 s are shown. The arrow highlights the Atg9 reservoirs that ultimately colocalize with Atg8 in the process of becoming the PAS. The complete movie reconstruction is presented in Video 1. An identical result was obtained with cells expressing endogenous Atg9-GFP (FRY172) and carrying the pCumCheV5ATG8415 plasmid, which expresses mChe-Atg8 (Video 2). DIC, differential interference contrast. Bar, 2 µm.