FIG. 3.
Effect of growth-limiting conditions on activity of FLZ. (A) An overnight colony of C. albicans ATCC 32354 (B311) was suspended in sterile water and inoculated to an initial cell density of 104 to 105 cells/ml into 1 ml of the following media: YNB (triangles); YNB without glucose (diamonds); distilled water (dH2O; circles with dashed lines). Open symbols, no FLZ; closed symbols, FLZ at 64 μg/ml. Curves for dH2O with and without FLZ are nearly superimposed. (B) Similar 1-ml cultures were divided into three sets, all with FLZ at 64 μg/ml, as follows: static cultures in 1.5-ml tubes (diamonds), shaking cultures in 50-ml tubes (triangles), and shaking cultures contained in a candle jar to exclude oxygen (squares). Duplicates of each were supplemented with 20 mM acetic acid (closed symbols). Initial and subsequent cell viabilities were determined as described in the legend for Fig. 1.