Table III. Cross-species prediction performance of Musite.
Training | Test |
H. sapiens | M. musculus | D. melanogaster | C. elegans | S. cerevisiae | A. thaliana | |
H. sapiens | 0.858/43.7/15.4a | 0.817/35.1/9.9 | 0.782/28.7/8.2 | 0.873/43/6/13.4 | 0.813/33.5/9.3 | 0.834/38.9/16.8 |
M. musculus | 0.856/44.8/13.7 | 0.825/36.9/11.6 | 0.784/28.4/8.4 | 0.877/41.1/11.9 | 0.815/33.5/9.6 | 0.837/40.0/14.6 |
D. melanogaster | 0.850/41.3/12.2 | 0.810/30.7/9.2 | 0.815/32.6/11.3 | 0.892/47.5/18.8 | 0.815/35.3/12.3 | 0.849/45.4/15.1 |
C. elegans | 0.845/40.5/7.5 | 0.800/33.9/9.4 | 0.795/32.1/12.1 | 0.908/53.0/20.8 | 0.809/33.5/10.8 | 0.839/40.5/20.0 |
S. cerevisiae | 0.828/28.9/5.6 | 0.800/32.2/5.9 | 0.767/23.2/6.1 | 0.849/32.2/7.9 | 0.825/34.0/8.6 | 0.822/29.7/5.9 |
A. thaliana | 0.857/41.8/12.4 | 0.817/34.4/12.6 | 0.781/28.7/9.2 | 0.872/41.6/13.9 | 0.809/35.5/11.3 | 0.861/47.0/16.8 |
Combined | 0.858/44.1/14.3 | 0.819/35.9/9.4 | 0.799/31.3/10.5 | 0.886/48.5/14.9 | 0.822/36.0/11.1 | 0.839/41.1/16.8 |
a The three numbers in each cell represent the AUC, sensitivity (%) at 95% specificity, and sensitivity (%) at 99% specificity. The training model with the highest AUC for each test data set is highlighted in bold.