A) Coronal sections of a wild-type and a
Hx−/− mouse at twelve months of age stained
with Black-Gold reaction to detect myelinated fibers.
Hx−/− mouse shows reduced myelination in
cerebral cortex compared to wild-type (a, b) and the hypomyelination
mainly affects the supragranular layers in motor and somatosensory
cortex (arrows in c, d). Higher magnification shows that in layer I of
Hx−/− mouse the staining is very weak
compared to wild-type (e, f). Bar (c, d) = 500
µm; Bar (e, f) = 100 µm.
B) Quantification of fiber density in motor cortical
area, assessed at 2, 6 and 12 months of age, shows a severe reduction in
Hx−/− mice. Data represent mean ± SEM,
n = 3 mice for each genotype. *
= P<0.05, ***
= P<0.001.