Figure 7. Deletion of TM11 results in a non-functional transporter.
(A) Transport currents induced by nontransfected cells, SNAT2WT- and SNAT2Del TM11-expressing cells at 10 mM of alanine and MeAIB uptake by vector (pBK-CMV (Δ[1098–1300])), SNAT2Del C-ter and SNAT2WT in transiently transfected HEK293 cells. Transport of [14C]MeAIB (40 μM) was measured at 1 min in NaMes-containing buffer. (B) Voltage-dependence of transport currents induced by SNAT2Del TM11 in the presence of 10 mM of alanine in nontranfected cells (open circles), SNAT2WT- (squares) and SNAT2Del TM11-expressing cells (triangles). (C) Average current-voltage relationships of anion leak current in the presence of 10 mM of alanine among nontransfected cells (contol, open circles), SNAT2WT- (squares) and SNAT2Del TM11- expressing cells (triangles). (D) Anion leak currents induced by 140 mM of extracellular Na+. The open triangles (SNAT2WT) and open circles (SNAT2Del TM11) are the currents from original experiments before subtraction of the unspecific leak currents (open squares, control, nontransfected cells). The solid circles are the anion leak currents induced by SNAT2Del TM11 after subtracting the unspecific currents (open circles). The inset shows the truncation site.