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. 2011 May 23;5:30. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2011.00030

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Top: Circuits for excitatory input and different types of inhibition of pyramidal cells in the olfactory cortex. (A) Feedforward (FF) inhibitory (I) circuit from LOT afferents (aff) and feedback (FB) inhibitory circuit onto pyramidal cells (P). (B) Feedback and feedforward circuits from pyramidal cell axons, including inhibitory control of the initial segment (IS); assn, association fibers. (C) Pathways for lateral inhibition, through long axons of basket cell onto distant pyramidal cell, or long axon collateral of pyramidal cell onto distant basket cell. Open profiles: excitatory synaptic action; filled profiles: inhibitory synaptic action. From Neville and Haberly (2004).