Fig. 1.
Reconstructing the evolution of tadpole morphospace. (A) Phylogenetic timescale of anuran evolution used to infer temporal patterns of tadpole evolution. Colored branches highlight the radiation episodes as defined for further analyses. A more detailed phylogeny with taxon names and clade support values is provided in Fig. S3; divergence time estimates and 95% credibility intervals are provided in Fig. S4 and Table S1. (B) 2D representation of larval morphospace obtained by multidimensional scaling. Colored circles represent positions of extant tadpoles. Branch coloration corresponds to that used in A. Internal node positions represent DELTRAN-reconstructed ancestors. A, basal anuran radiation; Af, Afrobatrachia; An, Anomocoela; As, Ascaphus; Co, Costata; He, Heleophryne; Le, Lepidobatrachus; Li, Limnodynastes; Mi, Microhyloidea; N, basal neobatrachian radiation; Na, Natatanura; No, Nobleobatrachia; Sc, Scaphiophryne; Xe, Xenoanura.