Fig. 2.
The inhibitory effect of NS8593 is not dependent on N- and C-terminal regions of KCa2.3 but on pore regions. Effect of NS8593, BMB, and NS309 on whole-cell currents from HEK293 cells expressing WT KCa2.3 (A), WT KCa3.1 (B), and the chimeric constructs KCa2.3-KCa3.1(292–427) (C), KCa3.1-KCa2.3(287–736) (D), and KCa3.1-KCa2.3(435–736) (E). Voltage ramps were applied every 5 s from a holding potential of 0 mV. Control traces (last sweep before compound application) are shown in black, and compound traces (last sweep before compound washout) are shown in red. Washout traces have been omitted for clarity. Symmetric K+ distributions with free [Ca2+] in the pipette solution buffered to 400 nM (see Materials and Methods for specifications).