(A), Representative sensorgrams for HAdV5wt vector
(discontinuous lines) injected at 2×109 and
4×109 vp/ml, or for HAdV5F35 injected at the same
doses (solid lines). (B), Comparison of binding to HS of
HAdV5wt and HAdV5F35 vector particles (2×109 vp/ml) in
the presence of FX or FXGL at 720 copies per vector particle. Controls
shown are FX and FXGL alone. For better clarity, the sensorgrams for
virions alone, which superimposed those of FX and FXGL, are not shown
(refer to Fig. 1C).
(C), Dose-response effect of FX on HAdV5F35 binding to
immobilized HS. Note that a detectable signal was observed for 120
copies of FX per virion, and reached the maximal value for 480