Figure 6. Accumulation patterns of OsSpo11-4 mRNA in different organs.
A, Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of OsSpo11-4 mRNA in vegetative tissues and flowers at different stages. L, leaves from two-week-old seedlings; B, young buds; R, young roots; F1∼F4, flowers at stamen and carpel primordial formation stage (F1), pollen mother cell formation stage (F2), male meiosis stage (F3) and uninucleate microspore stage (F4); P, pollen grains. TubA mRNA was amplified as an internal standard. B, in situ analysis of OsSpo11-4 mRNA with DIG-labeled antisense (B2∼B6) or sense probes (B1) in developing flowers. Hybridization was carried out on transverse sections of wild-type flowers at the pollen mother cell stage (B1 and B2), meiosis stage (B3), uninucleate microspore stage (B4) and prepollinated flower stage (B5), or on vertical cuts of wild-type flowers at the meiosis stage (B6). Scale bar = 50 µm in B1∼B5, and 200 µm in B6.