Figure 6. Active and total MMP-1 and MMP-2 levels in conditioned media collected from the wells of inserts containing glioma cells exposed to four hours of 0.55 dyne/cm2 sheared and control (non-sheared) cells.
All results were normalized to non-sheared controls (1.0). (A) Active MMP-1 levels were highly downregulated by shear stress for the U87 cells and slightly reduced for U251 cells (p<0.05). (B) Shear stress downregulated active MMP-2 levels for the CNS-1 cells (p<0.015). (C) Total MMP-1 expression was downregulated for the U87 cell line (p<0.05). (D) Shear stress downregulated total MMP-2 expression for U87 and CNS-1 glioma cell lines (p<0.05). Shear affected both collagenase and gelatinase expression for the U87 cells, only gelatinase expression for the CNS-1 cells, and had little effect on the U251 cell line. Data presented as meanĀ±SEM. Note: * p<0.05; ** p<0.005.