The X-axis represents UA pH, Y-axis represents total ephedrine dose (mg) given to the mothers from the time of the spinal injection until delivery of the baby.
The line represents the “fit line” for p.16Arg/Gly and p.16Gly/Gly.
Using Pearson’s correlation rank, UA pH and ephedrine dose were correlated in p.16Arg/Gly and p.16Gly/Gly neonates (p = 0.002, r = −0.50), but not in p.16Arg/Arg neonates (p = 0.12, r = −0.56).
◆ p.16Arg/Arg (N = 9) (r2 = 31.2%, p = 0.12)
○ p.16Arg/Gly and p.16Gly/Gly (N = 35) (r2 = 24.9%, p = 0.002)
No Arg16 homozygous neonate had UA pH < 7.28.