SND1 promotes lung metastasis in vivo. A and B, control and SND1-KD LM2 (A) and SCP28 (B) cells were xenografted into nude mice for experimental lung metastasis assays. Metastatic (met) burden was quantified by weekly whole body bioluminescence imaging. Representative images of mice from initial and late time points are displayed (lower panels). *, p < 0.05. C, whole lungs of mice used in LM2 experimental lung metastasis assays (top) and H&E staining of lung nodules (bottom). D, control and SND1-KD LM2 cells were used for mammary fat pad injections in nude mice, and primary tumor progression was measured over time via bioluminescence imaging and normalized to the signals at the start of the analysis. Scale bar in C, 500 μm. Data represent average ± S.E.