Figure 4.
Morphology of Actinidia deliciosa flowers. A-B. A. deliciosa 'Hayward' pistillate (female) flower with sepals, petals, stamens and ovary with a fully developed stigma. Arrows indicate small lateral bracts. C-D. A. deliciosa 'Chieftain' staminate (male) flower with sepals, petals, stamens and a rudimentary pistil. E-F. A. deliciosa 'Pukekohe dwarf' flower, severe phenotype, with spirally arranged large bracts in the base of the flower, multiple perianth whorls and a new flower with perianth only whorls in the centre. G-H. A. deliciosa 'Pukekohe dwarf' flower, moderate phenotype, with small bracts, sepals, multiple whorls of petals and underdeveloped reproductive structures. I. Sepaloid petal. J. Anther-like structure fused to the petal. K. An example of sampled A. deliciosa 'Pukekohe dwarf' floral organ tissues.