Figure 1.
Log2 ratio distribution for MTRC dataset 1A-4. (A) RI-plot. Each analyte is represented by an open circle that is colored for tissue selective expression. Red = HBRR-selective (target log2 ratio of 1), green = liver RNA-selective (target log2 ratio of 0.585), blue = skeletal muscle RNA-selective (target log2 ratio of -2), and black = UHRR-selective (target log2 ratio of 0). (B) LRD-plot. Each circle corresponds to the mean LRD for analytes binned by mean log2 intensity and is colored by statistical test result. Green = passed χ2 test and red = failed χ2 test. y-error bars = s per bin and x-error bars = intensity range of bin. White region = reliable range and dark gray region = outside the dynamic range. Dashed line = s (the standard deviation of the log2 ratios for all probe sets).