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. 2011 May 10;11:292. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-292

Table 2.

Growth curve models predicting depressive symptomatology on the negative affect domain, the Taiwan Longitudinal Study on Aging (TLSA) 1989-2007

Model 1 Model 2

Covariates Coefficient (β) Standard Error Coefficient (β) Standard Error
Social participation
Participation before 70 (ref = never participated)
 Continuous participation from baseline to age 70, β01 -1.414*** 0.262 -0.681** 0.250
 Initiating participation from baseline to age 70, β02 -1.128*** 0.256 -0.709** 0.235
 Ceased participation after baseline, β03 -0.710*** 0.283 -0.195** 0.265
 Dropped out before age 70, β04 0.003** 0.277 0.111** 0.262
Health status
Physical disability (ref = None)
 One and more functioning limitations 1.789*** 0.180
Chronic health problems (ref = None)
 One and more chronic conditions -0.297*** 0.221
Gender (ref = Male)
 Female 0.294*** 0.221
Ethnicity (ref = Fukianese)
 Hakka 0.017*** 0.240
 Mainlander -0.122*** 0.218
Socioeconomic position
Education (ref = Illiterate)
 Incomplete primary education -0.434*** 0.272
 Completed primary education -0.941*** 0.226
 High school graduate and above -1.437*** 0.265
Work status (ref = No work)
 Full- or part-time work -0.690*** 0.201
 Assisting family -0.754*** 0.238
Home ownership (ref = no) -0.465*** 0.188
Family background
Family living arrangement (ref = Alone)
 Living with family -0.534*** 0.200
Symptom level, intercept 3.142*** 0.209 4.146*** 0.367
Mean growth rate, linear 0.182** 0.031 0.175*** 0.030
Mean acceleration, quadratic -0.004*** 0.001 -0.004** 0.001

Random effects Estimate S.E. Estimate S.E.

 Variance in random intercept 4.285*** 0.735 2.392*** 0.599
 Variance in random slope 0.018*** 0.006 0.017*** 0.005
 Variance in residuals 13.297*** 0.342 13.335*** 0.318

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001