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. 2011 Apr 15;8(3):A68.
Family Environment Constructs Survey Item Psychometric information
Family physical activity
Physical activity resources Please indicate which items you have in your home, yard, or apartment complex that are available to your daughter:
  1. stationary aerobic equipment (bicycle, treadmill, etc.)

  2. bicycle

  3. dog to walk

  4. weight lifting equipment (free weights, Nautilus, etc.)

  5. exercise workout videotapes or DVDs

  6. in-line, roller, or ice skates

  7. sports equipment (balls, racquets, jump ropes, hula hoops)

  8. skis or snowboard

  9. stretching or yoga equipment

Response options included Yes and No (14)
Parental modeling of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity In the past week (7 days), how many HOURS did you spend doing the following activities?
  1. Strenuous exercise (heart beats rapidly) Examples: biking fast, aerobic dancing, running, jogging, swimming laps, rollerblading, skating, tennis, cross-country skiing, soccer, basketball

  2. Moderate exercise (not exhausting) Examples: walking quickly, dancing, baseball/softball, gymnastics, easy bicycling, volleyball, strength training

Nine response options ranged from 1 to 7 or more hours (15)
2-week test-retest r = .48-.94
Family support for physical activity During a typical week, how often have you or another member of your household:
  1. encouraged your daughter to do physical activities or play sports?

  2. done a physical activity or played sports with your daughter?

  3. provided transportation to a place where your daughter can do physical activities or play sports?

  4. watched your daughter participate in physical activities or sports?

  5. told your daughter that she was doing well in physical activities or sports?

Five response options ranged from "Never" to "Every day" (4)
Cronbach α = .78

1-week test-retest r = .81
Family television use
Media resources Please indicate which of the following you have in your home:
  1. Pay television (cable, satellite, etc.)

  2. Video/DVD player

  3. Electronic game (Nintendo, Playstation, etc.)

  4. Computere

  5. Internet access

Response options included Yes and No (16)
Televisions in the home How many televisions do you have in your home?

Response options ranged from "0" to "4 or more" (16)
test-retest r = .95
Television in girls'  bedrooma Do you have a television in the room where you sleep?

Response options included Yes and No (7)
Parental television use On a typical weekday (Monday through Friday), how many hours do you spend doing the following?
  1. Watching TV/Videos/DVDs

On a typical weekend day (Saturday and Sunday), how many hours do you spend doing the following?
  1. Watching TV/Videos/DVDs

Seven response options ranged from "0 hr" to ">5 hr" (17)
Familial encouragement to limit television use During a typical week, how often have you or another member of your household encouraged your daughter to watch less TV?

Five response options ranged from "Never" to "Every day"
Family food environment
Healthful home food availability In the past 7 days
  1. vegetables were available in my home

  2. vegetables were served at meals in my home

  3. fruit was available in my home

  4. fruit was served at meals in my home

Four response options ranged from "Never" to "Always" (11)
Cronbach α = .63

2-week test-retest r = .54-.59
Unhealthful home food availability In the past 7 days
  1. regular soda pop or other sugar-sweetened drinks were available in my home

  2. regular soda pop or other sugar-sweetened drinks were served at meals in my home

  3. chips or other salty snacks were available in my home

  4. candy was available in my home

Four response options ranged from "Never" to "Always" (11)
Cronbach α = .80

2-week test-retest r = .55-.72
Parental fruit and vegetable intake Thinking back over the PAST WEEK, how many servings of FRUIT did you USUALLY eat on a typical day? A serving would be a medium piece of fruit or ½ cup of fruit. Do not include fruit juice.

Thinking back over the PAST WEEK, how many servings of VEGETABLES did you USUALLY eat on a typical day? A serving would be a ½ cup of cooked vegetables or 1 cup of raw vegetables. Do not include potatoes or french fries.

Seven response options ranged from "None" to "5 or more servings" (18)
Parental soft drink intake Thinking back over the PAST WEEK, how often did you drink regular soda pop (not diet)?

Seven response options ranged from "None" to "5 or more servings"
Familial encouragement for healthful eating During a typical week, how often have you or another member of your household encouraged your daughter to eat healthy foods?

Five response options ranged from "Never" to "Every day" (19)
2-week test-retest r = .70
Frequency of family meals During the past 7 days, how many times did all, or most, of your family living in your house eat a meal together?

Nine response options ranged from "0 times" to "More than 7 times" (9)
2-week test-retest r = .74
Frequency of fast-food  family meals During the past 7 days, how many times was a family meal purchased at a fast-food restaurant (McDonald's, KFC, pizza, etc.) and eaten either at the restaurant or at home?

Nine response options ranged from "0 times" to "More than 7 times" (20)

The question assessing the presence of a television in the adolescents' bedrooms was asked of the adolescent girls.