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. 2011 May 31;61(587):e362–e370. doi: 10.3399/bjgp11X578043

Table 3.

Reported symptoms, quality of life, receipt of care, and performance status (n = 145)

COPD symptoms n (%)
MRC Dyspnoea Scale
 1–3: Breathlessness at worst resulting in slower walking than contemporaries 12 (8.3]
 4: Stops for breath after walking 100m 74 (51.0)
 5: Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless dressing and undressing 59 (40.7)

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
 High risk of anxiety: HAD-A ≥8b 51 (35.2)
 High risk of depression: HAD-D ≥8c 63 (43.4)

Chronic COPD Questionnaire (CCQ)
Overall mean score (SD; range)d 3.0
(1.1; 0.1–5.7)

 Able to get out of home 66(45.5)
 Can get out with the help of portable oxygen 15 (10.3)

Difficulty with activities
 Getting washed or bathing 110 (75.8)
 Getting dressed 87 (60.0)
 Doing the housework 131 (90.3)
 Preparing meals 93 (64.1)
 Getting around the home 73 (50.3)
 Looked after or receiving special help 113 (77.9)
 By person in own household 65 (44.8)
 By person in another household 49 (33.7)

Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status
 Restricted but ambulatory with light work 3 (2.1)
 Ambulatory and capable of all self-care 12 (8.3)
 Capable of limited self-care 85 (58.6)
 Completely disabled 45 (31.1)

MRC = Medical Research Council. aBreathlessness every day and one of ‘breathlessness unrelieved by treatment’, ‘breathlessness needing more help’, ‘breathlessness sitting or talking’.


In a general practice population HAD-A had a prevalence of 18.5% (95% CI = 16.5 to 20.6%) (ref).


In a general practice population HAD-D had a prevalence of 28.8% (95% CI = 26.3 to1.5%) (ref).


Mean score of 3.0 across three domains of symptoms, functional state, and mental state equates to mean frequency of “several times” in the six questions using frequency, and mean severity of ‘moderately limited’ in the four domains using severity.29