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. 2011 May 27;2:35. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2011.00035

Table 1.

Clinical characteristic of tinnitus patients.

Subjects Sex Age Etiology Side tinnitus Pitch Duration (years) Audiogram Movements modulation Tinnitus severity (16)
T1 F 21 Idiopathic L High 3 Normal Effort 7
T2 M 29 Stress L High 1 Normal Jaw ND
T3 M 40 Stress L High 1 Normal Head jaw 10
T4 M 43 Idiopathic L High 1 Normal Jaw 14
T5 M 43 Serous otitis media (right), stress L > R High WN 10 High fHz Head 5
T6 F 46 Left otosclerosis surgery, stress L High WN 5 High fHz SNHL Jaw, muscular pressure 12
T7 M 47 Stress L High 2 High fHz SNHL Jaw, muscular pressure, effort 14
T8 M 51 Bilateral noise induced HL R > L High 4 High fHz SNHL Jaw, muscular pressure 11
T9 M 54 Right acoustic neuroma R > L High WN 13 Right cophosis Head eye 8
T10 F 57 Left head trauma, TMJ luxation L High 30 Normal Jaw 11
T11 F 57 Meningitis, stress L = R WN 5 Normal Head 8
T12 F 58 Stress R > L High WN 1 High fHz SNHL Jaw, head, muscular pressure 12
T13 M 59 Bilateral congenital SNHL R > L WN 20 Middle fHz Head 8
T14 F 60 Abd surgery, stress L = R High 4 High fHz SNHL Head, muscular pressure 7
T15 M 61 Orthopedic surgery; stress L WN 2 High fHz SNHL Jaw, muscular pressure 13
T16 F 62 Cervicalgia L High 3 High fHz Head jaw 15
T17 F 58 Stress, Diplopia L > R High 8 High fHz SNHL Eye 10
T18 F 36 Left acoustic neuroma L High WN 6 Left cophosis Eye 7
T19 M 42 Idiopathic R High 2 Normal Jaw 12
T20 F 42 Stress L WN 2 Middle fHz Jaw, head 11
T21 M 43 Right otitis media, stress R High 1 Normal Muscular pressure 14
T22 F 41 Stress R > L WN 2 High fHz SNHL Jaw muscular pressure 12
T23 F 78 Right meningioma R > L High 3 High fHz SNHL Head Jaw muscular pressure 13

Tinnitus severity was evaluated with the Subjective Tinnitus Severity Scale (Halford and Anderson, 1991; Meric and Chery-Croze, 1996); Score >8 indicates moderate tinnitus, Score >12 severe tinnitus. Tinnitus stress was evaluated with the Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire (Wilson et al., 1991; Meric and Chery-Croze, 1997); Scores >30 <60 show moderate distress, Scores >60 show marked distress. Anxiety and depression were evaluated with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Zigmond and Snaith, 1983); Scores >8 <10 show suspect anxiety or depression, Scores >10 show certain anxiety or depression.