Figure 3. μSR spectra in ZF.
(a) ZF asymmetry spectra from the single UD layer (black squares T=40 K , red circles 8.3 K, blue triangles 6.3 K, magenta diamonds 4.6 K). (b) Spectra from the trilayer OP/UD/OP structure (black squares 40 K, red circles 8.0 K, blue triangles 6.0 K, magenta diamonds 4.4 K). The energy is chosen in both cases to stop the muons at the centre of the UD layer. The pronounced depolarization at low temperatures and its evolution is similar in both cases. The higher baseline in the trilayer case reflects essentially the ~17% weakly relaxing contribution of the top layer. Error bars indicate the statistical uncertainty of the data, curves are fits to the data (see text for details).