(A and B) In vivo efficacy of EGCG and taxane against established PC-3ML xenografts in CB17 SCID mice. (A) PC-3ML tumor volume in mice treated with either vehicle, EGCG (200 µM, or 228 mg/kg), paclitaxel (20 mg/kg), or 200 µM EGCG and paclitaxel (20 mg/kg) for 1 to 9 weeks. (B) PC-3ML tumor volume in mice treated with vehicle, EGCG (200 µM, 228 mg/kg), docetaxel (5 mg/kg), or increased amounts of EGCG (100, 200, 300 µM) plus docetaxel (5 mg/kg). Tumor volumes were measured by sacrificing animals each week (n = 3/time point/treatment). Drug was administered on a weekly basis i.p. starting on week 3 after inoculation of mice with PC-3ML cells (1 x 106 cells/animal i.p.), and treatment was continued for 1 to 9 weeks. Data represent the mean ± SD of tumors found i.p. in mice (n = 5/data point). (C) Mouse survival rates after treatment of mice for 8 weeks with EGCG (300 µM) plus docetaxel (12.5 mg/kg) or paclitaxel (20 mg/kg) (see methods in B). After discontinuation of treatment, mouse survival was monitored for an additional 12 weeks (n = 10 mice/treatment). Note: Control mice treated with EGCG or taxane alone failed to survive more than 1 to 2 weeks after treatment (data not shown).