Figure 5.
Antihyperalgesic dose-response curve ± SEM for intrathecal injection of RSA 504 in SNL animals does not result in tolerance: DRCs were generated at the time of peak effect (30 min) on day 1 (i.e., 7 days after SNL) and day 7 (i.e., 14 days after SNL) in the same animals. After testing on day one animals received sustained injections of RSA 504 (30 μg/5μl/day for 6 days; n=10). The DRC was re-constructed on day 7. The A50 value on day 1 was 5.89 (4.11 – 8.45 μg; 95% CI); the A50 value on day 7 was 6.45 (3.16 – 13.74 μg; 95% CI).