Table 3.
Multinomial logistic regression showing the characteristics associated with over-reporting and under-reporting as compared to reporting accurately
Over-reporting RRR (95% CI) |
Under-reporting RRR (95% CI) |
Comparison group | ||
Alcohol-unaffecteda | .83 (.27-2.51) | .89 (.29-2.72) |
Problem/very heavy drinkera | .53 (.20-1.42) | .68 (.26-1.82) |
Demographic characteristics | ||
Age | .97 (.93-1.02) | 1.02 (.97-1.07) |
Black | 1.00 (.38-2.64) | 1.13 (.44-2.89) |
Female | 1.23 (.49-3.10) | 1.17 (.47-2.93) |
Has a HS education | 1.22 (.37-4.00) | 1.40 (.42-4.68) |
Employed in the past year | .48 (.16-1.47) | 1.06 (.35-3.21) |
Insured | 1.17 (.20-6.96) | .64 (.12-3.36) |
Illness severity | ||
Lifetime alcohol problem severity (AUD symptom count) | 1.07 (.90-1.28) | 1.04 (.87-1.24) |
Past-year alcohol problem severity | ||
DSM-IV AUDb | 1.01 (.37-2.80) | 1.21 (.45-3.29) |
Problem drinkerb | .62 (.18-2.16) | .51 (.15-1.78) |
At-risk drinkerb | .78 (.23-2.59) | .94 (.27-3.21) |
Low-risk drinkerb | 1.13 (.19-6.83) | .96 (.14-6.81) |
Abnormal cognitive status | 2.30 (.48-10.99) | 1.03 (.20-5.34) |
Chronic medical disorder | 1.44 (.65-3.18) | .91 (.41-2.05) |
Number of healthcare visits | 1.18 * (1.01-1.37) | 1.33*** (1.15-1.54) |
RRR=Relative risk ratio. CI=Confidence interval.
Model statistics: χ2 (32, N=226) = 48.36, p<0.05. Psuedo R2=0.10.
Reference group was those with stably-diagnosed alcohol use disorder
Reference group was those who abstained from alcohol in the past year