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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Horm Behav. 2011 Feb 19;59(5):656–665. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.02.006

Table 1. Abundance of H129 labeling in supraspinal sites of male and female rats as a result of genital inoculation.

Region Male Female
VO +++ -
AIC ++ -
M1/S1 + +
BNST +++ -
CeM +++ -
VP ++ -
MPG ++ -
LPG ++ -
PVN +++ +++
LH +++ +
MCLH - +
PeF +++ ++
Sub +++ -
ZI +++ -
VPM ++ -
VA +++ -
SPFpc ++ -
SNR ++ -
PF + +
LPAG + +
VLPAG +++ -
RPC +++ +++
RMC +++ +++
IMLF ++ +
PL + +
DpMe + -
DpG ++ -
CnF + -
VLTg ++ -
PB ++ -
NRM +++ +++
DMTg ++ -
LC +++ +++
Mo5 - ++
A5 - ++
nPGi +++ +++
PnC ++ -
Sol +++ -
PCRt ++ -

The relative density of H129 labeling in each region as represented by the crosses is as follows: + = a few cells, ++ = 5 to 25 cells, +++ = >25 cells. VO = ventral orbital cortex, AIC = anterior insular cortex, M1/S1 = primary somatomotor cortex, BNST = bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, CeM = central amygdala, VP = ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, MPG = medial globus pallidus, LPG = lateral globus pallidus, PVN = paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, LH = lateral hypothalamus, MCLH = magnocellular nucleus of the lateral hypothalamus, PeF = perifornical nucleus, Sub = subicular nucleus, ZI = zona incerta, VPM = posteromedial ventral nucleus of the thalamus, VA = ventral anterior thalamic nucleus, SPFpc = parvocellular subparafascicular nucleus, SNR = substantia nigra, PF = paraflocculus, LPAG = lateral periaqueductal gray, VLPAG = ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, RPC = parvocellular red nucleus, RMC = magnocellular red nucleus, IMLF = interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, PL = paralemniscal nucleus, DpMe = deep mesencephalic nucleus, DpG = deep gray layer of the superior colliculus, CnF = cuniform nucleus, VLTg = ventrolateral tegmental area, PB = parabrachial nucleus, NRM = nucleus raphe magnus, DMTg = dorsomedial tegmental area, LC = locus coeruleus, Mo5 = motor trigeminal nucleus, A5 = A5 noradrenergic cell group, nPGi = nucleus paragigantocellularis, PnC = caudal pontine reticular nucleus, Sol = solitary nucleus, PCRt = parvocellular reticular nucleus.